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Structure of heart.

1.  Heart  is triangular,hollow,muscular and pumping organ.

2.  It is situated between two lungs(at the left side).Heart is divided into four(4) chambers.

3.  It consists of strong involuntary muscles known as cardiac muscles.

4.  Heart is covered by a special kind of membrane known as pericardium.

5.  Heart wall is three layered.The outer layer is epicardium,second layer is myocardium and the final layer is endocardium
·      1st layer:Epicardium
·      2ndlayer:Myocardium.
·      3rd layer:Endocardium.

*Heart is divided into 3 walls/layers:
·      EPICARDIUM:1)It is composed of connective tissue.
2)Fat bodies remain scattered in it.
3)It is covered by epithelial tissue.

·      MYOCARDIUM:1)It is situated between epicardium and endocardium.
2)It is composed of strong involuntary muscles.

·      ENDOCARDIUM:1)This layer contains valves.
2)It is the innermost layer of the heart.

3)Here,the chambers of the heart are present.

6.The endocardium of the heart contains the chambers.

7.Heart contains four chambers.The upper two chamber are known as right autrium and left autrium respectively.

8.The lower two chambers are known as right ventricle and left ventricle respectively.

9.The upper two chambers are separated by a thin wall known as inter auricular/autrium septum.

10.The lower two chambers are separated by a thick and mascular wall known as inter ventricular septum.

11.The right ventricles and autriums are separated by a horizontal separator known as right inter auricular ventricular septum.

12.The left ventricles and autriums are separated by a horizontal separator known as left inter auricular ventricular septum.

13.The right auricular ventricular septum is guarded by a small aperture known as right auricular ventricular aperture.

14.The left auricular ventricular septum is guarded by a small aperture known as left auricular ventricular aperture.

15.The left auricular ventricular aperture is guarded by biscuspid valves which is made up of two flaps.

16.The right auricular ventricular aperture is guarded by tricuspid valves which is made up of three flaps.

17.From the right ventricle,the pulmonary artery comes out.

18.From the left ventricle,aorta comes out.

19.The semilunar valves are present on the opening of pulmonary artery,pulmonary vein and aorta.It does’nt allow the entrance of blood into the heart.

Important informations to be noted:
Pulmonary Vein->Oxygenated blood .
Pulmonary Artery->Deoxygenated blood.
Aorta->Oxygenated blood.


Structure of heart.

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Structure of heart.

  STRUCTURE OF HEART: 1.   Heart   is triangular,hollow , muscular and pumping organ. 2.  ...

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